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School database North Florida

Found 514 schools in the database
Type of school: Charter, 4072 Sunbeam Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 4072 Sunbeam Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 2630 State Rd A1A, Atlantic Beach

Type of school: Charter, 9238 103rd St, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 3251 Newell Blvd., Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 1429 Broward Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 5209 Shad Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 4819 Soutel Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 4819 Soutel Rd, Jacksonville

Type of school: Charter, 391 90 & 9 Ranch Rd, Gonzalez

Type of school: Charter, 8633 Beulah Rd, Pensacola

Type of school: Charter, 1408 E Moreno Street, Pensacola

Type of school: Charter, 1600 Byrneville Rd, Century

Type of school: Charter, 900 Via Deluna St, Pensacola Beach

Type of school: Charter, 4901 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola

Type of school: Charter, 1600 E. Moreno Street, Pensacola

Type of school: Charter, 1600 E. Moreno Street, Pen

Type of school: Charter, 775 Town Center Blvd., Palm Coast

Type of school: Charter, 95 Old Kings Road North, Palm Coast

Type of school: Charter, 350 Fred Meyer St, Apalachicola

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school